Individualidad, intuición y salud en agricultura. Una visión del paisaje. 

Autores: Iniesta, S. y otros (Asociación Agro – Cultura Con Respeto.)

Palabras Clave: Individualidad, Intuición, Salud, Formación Biodinámica, Centro de España

Segunda Conferencia Internacional sobre Investigación Biodinámica, Sección de Agricultura, Goetheanum, Dornach, Suiza: Creciendo más allá de la Resiliencia.

30 de agosto, 12:00 PM a 2 de septiembre, 6:00 PM. 2021

Taller del 1 de septiembre de 8.00 AM a 9.30 AM.

The concept of a farm as an individuality, proposed by Steiner in the Agriculture Course, is one of his most powerful contributions to agriculture today. The human being plays a key role in integrating all the natural kingdoms in the farm, thus shaping and determining its identity, biography and health. The farmer’s intuition, self-observation and self-reflection abilities are now increasingly recognized as indispensable tools to keep a farm in good health (1). “An organism can only be apprehended through an intuitive approach” says Steiner (2). Working with farmers on observing the farm landscape and its environment contributes to the development of their intuitive skills.

It opens up a new perspective on the farm they’re responsible for, and on the landscape of which their farm becomes an integral part as an organ of it. This regard, the work of Jochen Bockemühl (3) and those inspired by him (4 & 5) has made available to farmers a working methodology on the subject with a landscape approach, to work out on a farm level and beyond it. In this sense, the Spanish Agro Cultura Con Respeto Association is carrying out this exercise in the advisory and training work of an organic pistachios’ cooperative in Ciudad Real, Spain.  After the exercise, farmers realise that their connection to the landscape is fairly close. However, they only see the things that are most closely related to their agricultural activity, f.e. the white storks walking behind the tractor while ploughing; the bee-eaters, spring migrants, as a threat to beekeepers; the appearance of ladybirds when aphids emerge, or emblematic species such as the great bustard or the common trumpeter crane, an autumn migrant. This shows they don’t have yet a view of their landscape as a whole and many details of relevant connections between farm management and the environment are lacking. Through the methodological work quoted above, it’s possible to enhance the farmer’s intuitive abilities, which are key to healthy landscape and farm management. However, it requires lifelong training, so more attention should be paid in the training programs for biodynamic farmers.  Furthermore, in a community work with several farmers in an area, that feel committed to offering to consumers a product of highest quality, the practiced exercises become richer and strengthen the internal bonding for that common endeavour. Therefore, we strongly recommend the use of this methodology elsewhere.